Dr Roychowdhury's research interests include motivation, mindfulness, mental health, and sport and exercise psychology, among others.

Research Output

Roychowdhury, D., & Gessesse, K. (2024). Responsibility and sustainability of social media content moderation. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 13(2). Accessed from https://thejsms.org/index.php/JSMS/article/view/1501

Roychowdhury, D. (2023). Motivation in physical activity. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367198459-REPRW219-1

Roychowdhury, D. (2023). Understanding mindfulness in sport, exercise, and performance psychology. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367198459-REPRW220-1

Roychowdhury, D., & Ronkainen, N. (2023). God and games: The role of religion in sport. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367198459-REPRW221-1

Kee, Y-H., & Roychowdhury, D. (2022). Editorial: Mindfulness in sport and exercise psychology. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1(2-3), 133-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajsep.2021.10.001

Morris, T., Roychowdhury, D., & Khoo, S. (2022). Motivational profiling in sport, exercise, and physical activity [Manuscript in preparation].

Roychowdhury, D. (2022). Digital mental health solutions: Considerations and implications for physical activity and sedentarism [Manuscript in review].

Cheong, J., Khoo, S., Roychowdhury, D., et al. (2024). A 20-country analysis of coverage of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games [Manuscript in preparation].

Roychowdhury, D. (2021). Mindfulness ​practice ​during COVID-19 crisis: Implications for confinement, physical inactivity, and sedentarism. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1(2), 108-115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajsep.2021.09.004

Roychowdhury, D., Ronkainen, N., & Guinto, M. (2021). The transnational migration of mindfulness: A call for reflective pause in sport and exercise psychology. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 56, 101958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.101958

Roychowdhury, D. (2021). Mental health and well-being of athletes in the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 19(sup1), S20. https://doi.org/10.1080/1612197X.2021.1982479

Roychowdhury, D. (2021). Moving mindfully: The role of mindfulness practice in physical activity and health behaviours. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 6(1), 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/jfmk6010019

Kim, Y., Zhang, L., Lu, F., Araki, K., Vongjaturapat, N., Guinto, M., Kuan, G., Lee, J-H., Chang, Y-K., Roychowdhury, D., Huang, Z., Acharya, J., Al-Wattar, N., & Ortega, E., (2021). ASPASP position stand: Strategies for the development of sport and exercise psychology in the Asian and South-Pacific region. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1(1), 3-5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajsep.2021.03.001

Roychowdhury, D. (2021, September 30 - October 04). Mindfulness practice to help assuage the detrimental effects of confinement, physical inactivity, and sedentarism. In D. Roychowdhury (Chair), Mental health and well-being of athletes in the COVID-19 pandemic [Invited Partnership Symposium]. International Society of Sport Psychology 15th World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.  

Roychowdhury, D. (2021, September 30 - October 04). The transnational migration of mindfulness. In T. Ryba & N. Stambulova (Chairs), Transnational migration in sport: What we talk about when we talk about cultural transition in a transnational context [Invited Partnership Symposium]. International Society of Sport Psychology 15th World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.   

Roychowdhury, D., Khoo, S., & Morris, T. (2021, September 30 - October 04). Using profiling of motives to examine individual and group trends in participation in physical activity [Poster presentation]. International Society of Sport Psychology 15th World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.  

Morris, T., & Roychowdhury, D. (2020). Physical activity for health and wellbeing: The role of motives for participation. Health Psychology Report, 8(4), 391-407. https://doi.org/10.5114/hpr.2020.100111

Roychowdhury, D. (2020). 2019 Novel Coronavirus disease, crisis, and isolation. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1958. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01958

Roychowdhury, D. (2020). Using physical activity to enhance health outcomes across the life span. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 5, 2, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/jfmk5010002

Roychowdhury, D. (2019). Spiritual well-being in sport and exercise psychology. SAGE Open, 9(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244019837460

Roychowdhury, D. (2019, June). Mindfulness and Peak Performance [Invited Keynote]. Asian South-Pacific Sport Psychology Seminar, Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences, Osaka, Japan.

Roychowdhury, D. (2019, July). Motivational approaches in promoting physical activity involvement. In Y. Kim (Chair), Holistic approaches to sport and physical activity participation in the Asian context [Invited Symposium]. 15th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Munster, Germany.

Roychowdhury, D. & Morris, T. (2019, July). The role of mindfulness in enhancing participation motivation in sport and exercise. In T. Morris (Chair), Motives for participation in sport and physical activity [Invited Symposium]. 15th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Munster, Germany.

Morris, T., Roychowdhury, D., & Khoo, S. (2019, July). Applying motivational profiling in sport and physical activity. In T. Morris (Chair), Motives for participation in sport and physical activity [Invited Symposium]. 15th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Munster, Germany.

Roychowdhury, D. (2018). Functional significance of participation motivation on physical activity involvement. Psychological Thought, 11(1), 9-17. https://doi.org/10.5964/psyct.v11i1.255

Roychowdhury, D. (2018). A comprehensive measure of participation motivation: Examining and validating the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS). Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2018.131.20

Roychowdhury, D. (2018). Mindfulness, neuropsychology, and mental health [Invited Keynote]. University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

Roychowdhury, D., Morris, T., & Spittle, M. (2018, July). Mindfulness and participation motivation in sport and exercise. In T. Morris (Chair), Advancing understanding of participation motivation in physical activity [Invited Symposium]. 8th Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress of Sport Psychology, Daegu, South Korea.

Roychowdhury, D. (2017). Integrating neuroscience in clinical psychiatry: A paradigm shift. International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health, 4:4. https://doi.org/10.21035/ijcnmh.2017.4.4​

Roychowdhury, D. (2017). Mindfulness-based CBT for treatment of PTSD. Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry, 7(2), 00429. https://doi.org/10.15406/jpcpy.2017.07.00429

Roychowdhury, D. (2017). Resilience and leadership [Presentation]. 1st Commando Regiment, Australian Army, Townsville, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D. (2017). Operational stress management [Presentation] Australian Army Medical Corps, Townsville, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D. (2016). PTSD and mindfulness. Smart Soldier, Australian Army Psychology Corps Papers, 1-4.

Roychowdhury, D. (2016). Mindful military [Presentation]. Australian Army Psychology Corps Regimental FAC course, Albury, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D. (2016). Mindfulness-based CBT approaches [Presentation]. Australian Army Psychology Corps Regimental FAC course, Albury, Australia.

Morris, T., & Roychowdhury, D. (2015, July). Motives for participation in physical activity: Measurement, prediction, and profiling. In T. Morris (Chair), Motives for participation in physical activity: Measurement, prediction, and profiling [Invited Symposium]. 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland. https://dx.doi.org/10.7892/boris.71978

Morris, T., Hu, L., Molannorouzi, K., Khoo, S., & Roychowdhury, D. (2015, July). Profiling motives for participating in physical activity in adults and youth using PALMS and PALMS-Y. In T. Morris (Chair), Motives for participation in physical activity: Measurement, prediction, and profiling [Invited Symposium]. 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland. https://dx.doi.org/10.7892/boris.71978

Roychowdhury, D. (2014). Understanding stress, anxiety, and depression [Presentation]. DR ACADEMY, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D., & Morris, T. (2013, July). Examining participation motivation in sport and exercise using discriminant function analyses. In T. Morris (Chair), Developing the measurement of participation motivation in sport and physical activity [Invited Symposium]. 13th International Society of Sport Psychology World Congress, Beijing, China.

Roychowdhury, D. (2013, July). Understanding participation motivation in physical activity [Paper Presentation]. 13th International Society of Sport Psychology World Congress, Beijing, China.

Morris, T., Roychowdhury, D., & Khoo, S. (2013, July). Profiling motives for participation in physical activity: Profiles for three samplesIn T. Morris (Chair), Developing the measurement of participation motivation in sport and physical activity [Invited Symposium]. 13th International Society of Sport Psychology World Congress, Beijing, China.

Roychowdhury, D. & Lee, C. (2013, July). Becoming a sport psychology practitioner: Entrance, training, and sustenance [Paper Presentation]. 13th International Society of Sport Psychology World Congress, Beijing, China.

Roychowdhury, D. (2013, July). Motivation and physical activity [Invited Keynote]. Singapore Sport Psychology Symposium 2013, Singapore.

Morris, T., Khoo, S., & Roychowdhury, D. (2012, December). Profiling motives for participation in physical activity [Paper Presentation]. 3rd Chinese Conference on Sport Psychology, Macau, China.

Roychowdhury, D., & Morris, T. (2012, July). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) in an Australian multi-activity sample [Paper Presentation]. Pre-Olympic International Convention on Science, Education, and Medicine in Sport, Glasgow, Scotland.

Roychowdhury, D. (2012). Examining reasons for participation in sport and exercise using the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) [Doctoral dissertation]. Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. https://vuir.vu.edu.au/19943

Roychowdhury, D. (2012, April). Understanding motivation in physical activity [Paper Presentation]. School of Human Movement & Sport Sciences, Federation University, Melbourne, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D., & Morris, T. (2011, December). Why we do what we do: Examining participant motivation in physical activity [Paper Presentation]. 5th Victorian Sport Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D., & Morris, T. (2011, December). Internal consistency and criterion validity of the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) [Poster Presentation]. 5th Victorian Sport Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D. (2011, December). Imagery education program for coaches [Paper Presentation]. 5th Victorian Sport Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D. (2011, December). A PETTLEP-based six session imagery education program for coaches [Poster Presentation]. 5th Victorian Sport Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Roychowdhury, D. & Morris, T. (2011, November). Examining participant motivation using the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) [Paper Presentation]. 6th Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.

Roychowdhury, D., & Morris, T. (2011, November). Validating the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) [Poster Presentation]. 6th Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.

Roychowdhury, D. (2011, November). Coaching the coaches: A PETTLEP-based unimodal coach education program on imagery [Paper Presentation]. 6th Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.

Roychowdhury, D. (2011, December). Imagery education program for coaches [Poster Presentation]. 6th Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.

Roychowdhury, D., & Morris, T. (2011, November). Examining participant motivation using the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) [Paper Presentation]. Hangzhou Institute of Sport Conference on Sport and Science, Hangzhou, China.

Roychowdhury, D. (2011, January). Using sport to re-build lives and communities [Invited Keynote]. Foundation of Goodness, Seenigama, Sri Lanka.

Roychowdhury, D. (2011, January). Professional practice in applied psychology [Invited Keynote]. University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

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