Performance psychology refers to the study of mental processes involved in human performance. It is a multidisciplinary sub-field within the domain of psychology that is primarily concerned with examining psychological factors that influence human performance and well-being.
Performance Psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology, which has grown from the study of sport and exercise and is now applied in many domains such as business, education, health care, and rehabilitation.
The fundamental promise of performance psychology is to help people perform in the upper range of their capabilities in a way that not only achieves excellence but also satisfaction.
Performance Psychology professionals focus on psychological knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to enhance human performance and well-being. They are uniquely trained and specialized to identify the facilitators of and barriers to enhanced performance. They can help you understand the psychophysiological inhibitors of consistent and excellent performance; develop mental and emotional knowledge, skills, and abilities required for excellence; and identify structural and systemic environmental issues that may affect desired outcomes across different performance domains.
Performance psychology can be used by anyone who wants to improve their performance in any activity or sport. It can be used by athletes, coaches, employees, parents, and teachers.
The principles of performance psychology may be applied to a wide range of fields, including sport, exercise, business, military, emergency and protective services, and creative and performing arts.
The goal of performance psychology is not just to increase performance but also improve quality of life and general well-being.
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