

Wellbeing is a holistic concept that refers to the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

Dr Dev Roychowdhury
Aug 23, 2024
3 min read
Mental Health
Wellbeing by Dr Dev Roychowdhury

When we talk about wellbeing, we're delving into a concept that is as complex as it is vital. It's a term that is frequently used yet often misunderstood.

In this article, I aim to unpack the multifaceted nature of wellbeing, exploring its various dimensions, the factors that influence it, and how it manifests in different contexts. I'll also look at contemporary examples and strategies to enhance wellbeing in our daily lives.

What is Wellbeing?

At its core, wellbeing refers to the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. However, this definition barely scratches the surface.

Wellbeing is a holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, and social health. It is about more than just the absence of illness; it involves thriving in various aspects of life.

In psychology, wellbeing is often broken down into two main components:

  • Hedonic Wellbeing, which focuses on pleasure and happiness, and
  • Eudaimonic Wellbeing, which is about living in accordance with one's true self and values, leading to a fulfilling life.

These components highlight that wellbeing is not just about feeling good but also about functioning well.

Dimensions of Wellbeing

Wellbeing can be understood through several dimensions, each contributing to our overall sense of life satisfaction:

  • Physical Wellbeing: This involves maintaining a healthy body through exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest. It's about having the energy and vitality to engage in daily activities.
  • Mental Wellbeing: Mental health is a crucial part of wellbeing, encompassing our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and it plays a role in how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
  • Social Wellbeing: Humans are inherently social creatures, and our relationships significantly impact our wellbeing. Social wellbeing involves having supportive relationships and a sense of belonging and connection to a community.
  • Environmental Wellbeing: This dimension considers the impact of our surroundings on our wellbeing. A safe, clean, and nurturing environment can enhance our quality of life.
  • Occupational Wellbeing: Finding satisfaction and fulfillment in one's work is a significant contributor to overall wellbeing. It involves balancing work demands with personal life and feeling valued in one's professional role.

Factors Influencing Wellbeing

Several factors influence our wellbeing, and these can vary greatly from person to person:

  • Personal Traits: Characteristics such as resilience, optimism, and self-esteem can affect how we perceive and respond to life's challenges.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Diet, exercise, sleep, and substance use are lifestyle factors that can significantly impact wellbeing.
  • Social Support: Having a network of supportive friends and family is crucial for emotional and psychological wellbeing.
  • Economic Stability: Financial security can alleviate stress and provide access to resources that enhance wellbeing.
  • Cultural and Societal Norms: The culture and society we live in can shape our values and expectations, influencing our sense of wellbeing.

Wellbeing in Different Contexts

Wellbeing is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it manifests differently in various contexts:

  • Workplace Wellbeing: The workplace is a critical area for promoting wellbeing. Organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of mental health and implementing initiatives to support their employees. For example, many companies now offer mental health days, flexible working arrangements, and wellness programs to enhance employee wellbeing.
  • Educational Settings: Schools and universities are key sites for promoting mental health and wellbeing. With increasing concerns about the mental health of students, educational institutions are implementing programs to support students' emotional and psychological needs.
  • Community Wellbeing: Community initiatives that promote social interaction and engagement can enhance the wellbeing of individuals. Community gardens, local events, and volunteer opportunities are examples of how communities can foster a sense of belonging and purpose.

Enhancing Wellbeing: Practical Strategies

Improving wellbeing is a personal journey, but there are general strategies that can be beneficial:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Practising mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity and emotional balance.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity exercise is known to boost mood, increase energy levels, and improve overall health.
  • Healthy Eating: A balanced diet provides the nutrients needed for optimal physical and mental functioning.
  • Social Connections: Building and maintaining strong relationships can provide support and enhance emotional wellbeing.
  • Purpose and Meaning: Engaging in activities that align with personal values and goals can enhance life satisfaction and eudaimonic wellbeing.


Wellbeing is a vital part of living a good life. It's about balancing different aspects of health and happiness. By understanding and nurturing our wellbeing, we can lead more fulfilling lives. Whether through personal habits or community involvement, improving wellbeing is a journey worth taking. Let's create environments that support and promote wellbeing for everyone.

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